
Our Therapy Doggo: Obi

It is well-established that pets improve our mental and physical health. At the Selective Mutism Clinic, we recognise the profound impact a fluffy friend can have on the therapeutic journey of both children and adults with Selective Mutism. By integrating therapy animals into our sessions, we create a unique and enriching environment that can be tailored to the needs of every individual.

Builds rapport and REDUCES ANXIETY

A session where Obi is invited starts by introducing our furry friend to the client. Through getting to know the animal, the child is able to create a connection with them, helping them feel more at ease during sessions. Lower anxiety leads to better communication!

Tailored intervention for children

Children with Selective Mutism, Autism, and other anxiety disorders respond positively to animals, which enables them to reach a deeper state of relaxation. Having a ‘fluffy puppy’ companion in a therapy session can provide children with a topic to talk about and motivate them to talk to others. Children can talk or whisper directly to the puppy in front of others or use the puppy as a ‘talkíng buddy’ to convey messages to others via the puppy.

Enhancing adult therapeutic processes

Obi can bring a happy new energy to sessions with clients of all ages. Our adult clients often bond with our pets, fostering a unique connection that adds depth to the therapeutic process.

What to expect

Introduction: A session with a therapy dog begins with a warm introduction to the dog, fostering a sense of familiarity and comfort for both children and adults.

Therapeutic Activities: Our therapy animals actively participate in specially designed activities throughout the sessions, addressing the unique needs of children and adults with Selective Mutism.

Skill Development: Animal therapy sessions, akin to traditional therapies, focus on skill development. The added benefit of animal-assisted interactions enhances the learning experience for both children and adults.

Parental Involvement: We encourage parents to actively participate; learning techniques that support their children at home and reinforce the therapeutic process beyond the clinic.

Gradual Progress: Over the course of treatment, individuals often demonstrate increased comfort and engagement, marking positive strides in overcoming the challenges associated with Selective Mutism.